My Story

I was born on Camp Pendleton, CA where my father was stationed as a Marine. When he was discharged, we moved to Jamestown, NY so he could take over an apartment complex built by his father. My 3 siblings and I spent a lot of time helping around the 50-unit complex. During those years, I learned that serving others was more important than serving myself – a value I’ve carried throughout my life.
While in college at Wake Forest University, I stumbled across an old aptitude test from high school. In it, I wrote about wanting to be an Army officer when I grew up – a dream I had forgotten. After taking an ROTC class, I decided to pursue it.
I received an Army scholarship which committed me for 6 years. During that time, I served in the Air Defense Artillery in Texas, was a helicopter pilot in Korea and an instructor pilot here in the US. I also earned my MBA and an MA in Computer Resource Management while in the Army.
My initial interest in investing came from my grandmother, who loved to watch the stock market. In the Army, I found myself with my first-ever paycheck. After a lot of research, I began investing and even educated a few soldiers on personal finance issues of concern to them.
When I left the service, I considered a career in financial services. Ultimately, I decided to follow in my father’s footsteps and go to law school using the money I invested. Less than halfway through, I realized I couldn’t see myself as a litigator and my interest in investing resurfaced. After finishing my degree, I was recruited by some large financial companies and eventually joined one. Less than 2 years later, I resigned. Its focus was entirely on selling products – not what was best for the clients.
With a partner, I created a new advisory firm rooted in integrity and free from conflicts of interest. Now that my partner has retired, I continue to help people solve their financial issues and invest their money.
I met my wife in the early years of law school. She is a practicing attorney. We have two sons. I spend a lot of time with my family attending my sons’ extracurricular activities. We all play golf and travel together, and I enjoy reading and playing competitive bridge.
Son Nathan with Steve on the course
Steve's oldest is dropped off
for his first day of college life
My Credentials
- BA – Psychology, Wake Forest University
- MBA – Webster University
- MA/Computer Resource Management – Webster University
- JD – University of Missouri Columbia
- CFP – Certified Financial Planner
- AWMA – Accredited Wealth Management Advisor
- CRPC – Chartered Retirement Planning Consultant
- Registered Investment Advisor in the State of Missouri